The U.S. Supreme Court continues its -- clearly necessary -- reshaping of a patent law landscape that long ago passed the limits of common sense.
Justices rein in Federal Circuit’s lax rules on patent venue
is the headline at SCOTUSblog in an article by Ronald Mann
regarding the May 22, 2017 U.S. Supreme Court reversal
of the Federal Circuit's long-standing lax rule on patent venue,
a clearly impossible rule which had for many years led patent holders
to engage in widespread and undesirable patent forum shopping
in the nation's courts.
Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the opinion for a unanimous 8-0 Court
Gorsuch did not participate since he joined the Court
after oral argument on the case had already
been held).
See a summary of the holding at TC Heartland LLC v. Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC.
"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."
-- Proverbs 29:18, King James Bible (KJV)
-- Proverbs 29:18, King James Bible (KJV)
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Volume 2, 2nd Edition, 262 pages
ISBN: 1517396832 / 9781517396831
Sky Earth Native America Volume 1-----------Sky Earth Native America Volume 2
by Andis Kaulins J.D. Stanford by Andis Kaulins J.D. Stanford
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