Stonehenge Decipherment Panorama 20A by Andis Kaulins -The Heel Stone as the Stars of Puppis (Apophis viz. "Nessie-Like"), Canis Major, Surrounding Stars and Milky Way (perhaps the "Nessie" legend is related to the ancient belief e.g. in Ancient Egypt concerning the deceased-consuming denizen of the deep)
If we now turn around at this point in our tour and look away from the inner henge of Stonehenge outward, we find ourselves face-to-face with the so-called "Heel Stone" ... the most famous of all the stones at Stonehenge.
If our decipherment of Stonehenge is correct and we have done our homework properly up to this juncture, the Heel Stone can only represent stars of Puppis and/or its surrounding stars in that "galactic" Milky Way region.
It turns out in fact according to our analysis that each side of the Heel Stone represents neighboring stars in that Puppis sky section, so that one side of the Heel Stone meshes perfectly with the other in portraying two directly neighboring sections of the heavens.
The "Heel Stone" side with the large incised "mouth" of Apophis pointing to the right marks the stars of Puppis, plus some stars we today assign to the constellations Pyxis, Vela and Carina.
The "Heel Stone" side with the large incised "mouth" of Apophis pointing to the left represents a few stars we today place on the border of Puppis, but mostly stars in Canis Major and Columba.
It is really incredible after these thousands of years and after the damage done to these stones by wind, weather, and humanity, that so much can still be recovered through the use of modern photography and imaging software.
Both sides of the Heel Stone have figures carved upon them, most prominent being the large-mouthed Apophis, represented by the entire stone as the galactic underworld "Nessie" that in ancient lore consumed the deceased. We already found Apophis pictured on Stone #10 at Avebury, so that this ancient belief is tradition, also at Stonehenge, prior to the Christian era.
Each stone also represents a different human head, wearing a headdress.
There are other figures on the stone as well, in our opinion, but nothing is gained for the present time by drawing attention to them as we must at this stage in the decipherment process stick to the essentials only.
These three images consisting of photographs and the accompanying tracings and text explanations are all Copyright © 2016 by Andis Kaulins, except of course for the essential underlying sky map from the astronomy software Starry Night Pro 3.1 which is of course copyrighted by Starry Night. Enjoy!
Stonehenge Decipherment Panorama 20A by Andis Kaulins
- in 3 Images -
Stonehenge Decipherment Panorama 20A by Andis Kaulins -The Heel Stone as Puppis (Apophis) Canis Major Surrounding Stars Milky Way
- in 3 Images -
Stonehenge Decipherment Panorama 20A by Andis Kaulins -The Heel Stone as Puppis (Apophis) Canis Major Surrounding Stars Milky Way
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Crossposted at the Ancient World Blog.