More than 1000 (!) NCAA student-athletes
of U.S. colleges and universities
-- representing more than 100 countries around the world --
are participating in the current 2021
"2020" Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan.
For the stories see:
NCAA student-athletes at the 2020 Summer Olympics
Olympic medal tracker for NCAA student-athletes in Tokyo
That global stat tells us something very positive about the state of the world
-- regardless of the Olympic nay-sayers.
The Olympic spirit, as envisioned by the Ancient Greeks,
is alive and well as a positive example
of the global cooperation and work
that is possible among humankind.
It urges us all,
and our planet's young generations especially,
to forge onward toward the creation of a better and more peaceful world.
Or, as the recently passed Prince Philip was quoted to say
as a general wisdom applicable to everyone....
Don't drop your countenance....
"Get on with it" and do your job.